Monday, October 25, 2010

Some Random Thoughts

Mallory's randoms thoughts:

When I was in high school I found some personalized confetti with my name on it, this was a rare find, so of course I bought it. I still have it and I am wondering when I will ever have the use for Mallory confetti. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

I am not a rom com fan, because of this I do not enjoy most of Kate Hudson's movies, I do however adore this cover of Elle Magazine. It is partly because K Hud looks stunning but mostly because of the Marc Jacobs dress she is wearing. Well done Marc, well done.

Ez and I are pretty busy, this means that our apartment often gets turned to the way side. It typically gets to hoarders status before we decide to clean up. It's getting to the point where I am seriously considering getting a cleaning lady. Would it be weird to get a cleaning lady for a one bedroom apartment with cinder block walls?

That's all for now.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If your going to San Francisco

This past weekend Mikey (Eric's Dad) took Eric and myself to California to see the Bruins play Cal.

Our first stop was Sacramento to stay with Eric's Grandparents. I had never met them so it was so great to finally meet. They were such lovely people and such gracious hosts. I look forward to seeing them again.

Next stop was Berkley, home of the Cal Bears. Our first stop in Berkley was Burger Meister.

Then off to California Memorial Stadium to see the game.

Eric and I before the game started. If we had known how the game would have ended we might not have been so smiley.

The game did not go so well. The bruins lost but it was still great to see Berkley's campus and to see the beautiful Bruins play in person.

Next we went into San Fran. I met up with my high school bestie Charity. She is living there and she showed me all the sights.

Above: a sign I liked.

BTW: San Fran is a really cool city and the weather in October is beautiful, or at least it was the weekend of the 8th.

Below: Charity and I in China Town.

To sum it all up, even though the Bruins lost, the weekend was a success. I got to meet Eric's Grandparents, see my old pal Charity and get reacquainted with San Francisco. Nuff said.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A new addition

Eric and I have a new addition in our apartment, no it is not a French Bulldog puppy, it is a new mattress.

Dev and Beck had told us that they would get us a bed for a wedding present and in typical Olson fashion, we finally got around to buying it last weekend.

You are probably thinking, does this really merit a blog post. Well, when you love sleep as much as I do, an incredibly comfortable new mattress is a big deal, so it does merit a blog post. Plus the mattress we were sleeping on had been Eric's since he was 12, meaning it was extremely below par, so much so, that the preferred napping spot was our Ikea couch and not the bed. Nuff said.

So now I will share with you the things I have realized since getting the new bed:

1. Waking up in the morning is hard, especially now that the mornings are getting cold

2. The snooze button is a cruel lover that I keep coming back to

3. Pillow tops are one of the greatest creations ever, I put it right behind Pandora

Now I must end this post so I can go to sleep.