Wednesday, February 9, 2011

back in the 801

Last weekend I flew home to see my new niece Sofia. The trip was such a success. Sofie, or as I like to call her Spider Monkey (Abbey hates this because apparently in the Twilight movie Edward calls Bella a Spider Money) is so adorable. I made a stuffed animal Owl for the baby in an attempt to be more crafty and to use my Christmas present, which was a sewing machine.

Here is the Owl I made. Ashley had a bird theme going on for the baby so I thought this would fit in perfectly also I thought this would be pretty easy being that it was basically a pillow with eyes.

Here is Baby with Owl. She looks a little creeped out by it, but I think they will grow to love each other.

Here is Baby with Auntie Mal. So cute.

And here is Baby trying to look intellectual. Before anyone calls child services because we are putting glasses on a baby, I will just let you know that the glasses are not prescription.

The trip was a complete success and it was great to see the fam, but I am happy to be back in 65 degree weather.


  1. I love your owl, it's so adorable!! Good work Mal I am very impressed :)

  2. Cute baby! Tell Ashley Congratulations. And the owl pillow is adorable. Josh and I are excited to see you guys when we move to Arizona. We'll be selling over the summer so we probably won't be there til August, but get ready for some serious adventures!

  3. Mal - I love the owl! I'm sure that Spider Monkey will learn to love it too. Thanks for posting the pictures - as her parents seem to have no interest in broadcasting her life, I guess it'll be up to her aunts to get this baby's face out there. Love you!

  4. do you even know what a spider monkey looks like???
    i see no resemblance.
